artistic direction

So happy to share!

I spent a few moments yesterday sharing this website with my colleagues in a Career Advisor training.  It felt wonderful!  I am moving into a new phase of my own career development:  integration.  For the last 10 years, I have been an artist in one life and an administrative professional in another.  I am making moves to bring both together, despite the fact that it feels impossible at times.  Both paths live within me and I am one person, so this integration is very, very possible!

Two scary parts:

Wondering if my “day job” supervisors believe I am less of a good worker because I have another career in art.

My experience of exhaustion–at times–when both careers are running at full tilt!

I can honestly say that I rarely have down-time and I am rarely bored.  More often it is the case that I experience heightened stress and anxiety from trying to do by best at both!

My colleagues at the training were supportive and complimentary of my materials.  Sharing the integrated me felt WONDERFUL!


Welcome to my portfolio!

I welcome the members of my Career Advisor Training to my website,  This website is a comprehensive look at my artwork and professional information.  The information and images are current, with artwork going back to 2012.

Because I am an artist who has almost always had a career outside of creating art, it makes sense to integrate that information into this portal.  By doing so, I have created a “one stop shop” of my professional life.

Most artists struggle to integrate their creative life with what they do to support themselves.  I have been particularly lucky to work in engaging positions, teach creativity topics and make and sell my art work.


artistic direction

See my new work on Saturday, December 13!

Tomorrow I will be showing (and selling!) my new work at:

  • The Community Art Market–Holiday Edition
  • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • New Song Church, 3200 N. 11th Street, Bismarck, ND

There will be live music and wonderful vendor artists offering our original, one of a kind work for your pleasure!

Here is a sample of things I am bringing to the event! Click on any image to enlarge!

Want more information?  Fill out the contact form below!

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